Custom Closets at Affordable Prices

We believe everyone deserves an organized, stress-free life! Start with organizing the part of your home you use EVERY DAY – your closets!

The price of custom closets has skyrocketed in recent years, and even a basic custom closet is now a luxury item. We founded Clozetivity because we don’t think an organized closet should be out of reach of anyone!

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The value of an organized closet is high. You won’t realize how valuable it is until you have one. That’s the reason anyone with custom, organized closets puts them in every home they move into. Builders often cut corners in closets when they build homes, installing wire racks and poorly utilized space.

While builders are simply looking to cut costs, the real impact of a cheaply designed closet is on the homeowner. A closet with simple shelves and rods will use just a fraction of the actual space in the closet. When you quickly fill up the space, your closet gets messy and out of control.

Ask anyone who has these closets, they are a challenge to keep orderly, and items end up stored and stuffed in just about every other area of your home. The cumulative effect of this is a stressful life, one where you can’t easily find items, and one that slowly degrades your mental health.

Clozetivity is dedicated to a life with no more Closets of Shame.

To learn more, see our process and learn how we can help convert your space into your dream closet.